

Our Partnership


Thoo Mweh Khee Migrant Learning Center, Northwestern Thailand

We received reports of measurable growth among members of our workshops as well as the community.

International Girls Ensemble is thrilled to introduce our first Female Student Ambassador at the Thoo Mweh Khee (TMK) Migrant Learning Center. Ehlah Paw has been a part of IGE's workshops each year and has evinced exceptional leadership skills. She is on a path to be an educator herself. Ehlah Paw continues to lead IGE curriculum based workshops with the girls of TMK and successfully spearheaded the inaugural Thoo Mweh Khee Women's Appreciation Day, February 2020. IGE is emboldened to provide leadership tools for participants in order to support and encourage girls to rise to their full potential.

International Girls Ensemble (IGE) has been privileged to partner with The Thoo Mweh Khee Migrant Learning Center. Founded in 2002, to serve a community of Karen people, a sub-ethnic group originally from Myanmar, forced to leave their homes and cross the border to Thailand, where they have lived in refugee camps for three decades.

IGE has been traveling to Northwestern Thailand since 2016, to live on campus and work with the children of the Thoo Mweh Khee community.  We facilitate drama classes in English, which serve as ESL and alternative learning, and teach Female Empowerment workshops.

We forged unbreakable relationships with Thoo Mweh Khee.



While many organization became dormant during the Pandemic IGE continued to engage virtually with local and international partnerships in furtherance of our mission.


Click to learn more about our Female Ambassador Program


We are committed to provide opportunity to the next generation of theatre makers and teachers. Our goal is to employ and support standout International students who will facilitate our curriculum year round. Every ambassador is awarded a yearly stipend for their work, along with ongoing IGE mentorship. We envision these ambassadors will strengthen our ensembles in the US and international communities.